Le Petit Quizz de Napoléon (anglais)
  • Date de parution 16/06/2023
  • Poids de l’article 116 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782364452336
  • Editeur DE TAILLAC
  • Format 127 x 85 mm
  • Edition Livre de poche
Moins d'1 an

Le Petit Quizz de Napoléon (anglais)

Résumé éditeur

What was the profession of Napoleon's father? In which great school did the young Bonaparte study? What was his first feat of arms? What were his eating habits? Who was Vizier, one of his closest collaborators? What is the battle of the three emperors?All the answers and many more in this little book that will make you (re)discover the fascinating trajectory of the most illustrious of the French.

livré en 5 jours

  • Date de parution 16/06/2023
  • Poids de l’article 116 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782364452336
  • Editeur DE TAILLAC
  • Format 127 x 85 mm
  • Edition Livre de poche

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