Discover France in 100 Destinations
  • Date de parution 07/04/2021
  • Nombre de pages 168
  • Poids de l’article 532 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782080204462
  • Editeur FLAMMARION
  • Format 240 x 161 mm
  • Edition Grand format

Discover France in 100 Destinations

Résumé éditeur

France is replete with sites steeped in history, from painted prehistoric caves to Roman aqueducts, and from medieval churches to Renaissance châteaux, and its geography is extraordinarily diverse, from mountain ranges and coastlines to vineyards and rivers. French historian Franck Ferrand draws a new portrait of France through 100 essential places to discover, organized thematically and cross-referenced on regional maps.Behold the enigmatic standing stones of Carnac or the Roman Theater of Orange ; visit the homes of Leonardo da Vinci, George Sand, or Charles de Gaulle ; stroll past Monet's water lilies at Giverny or through the formal gardens at Villandry ; admire the artistry of the Bayeux Tapestry or the Issenheim Altarpiece ; and savor the wines of Beaujolais or the famous Médoc.This volume-which spans regions and cities, museums and monuments, architecture and natural wonders-provides readers with a fresh introduction to the world's most beloved country.

livré en 5 jours

  • Date de parution 07/04/2021
  • Nombre de pages 168
  • Poids de l’article 532 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782080204462
  • Editeur FLAMMARION
  • Format 240 x 161 mm
  • Edition Grand format

l’avis des lecteurs

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